martes, 9 de agosto de 2011


Aissss! Se ha marchado el churro y snif snif i miss you. C and V were here the past week and miss you too, you know it. Yeah V, you too.

Brownies, guacamole and movies, that was the week.

Do you know when you want to be alone with your boy or girl and suddenly somebody come, knock your door and stay with you all the dinner and go away at 1am? Yeah. That was my night :/ I just wanted to chill with him and... i couldn't do it. Shit. Now he's gone. Shit.

Tomorrow, i'll try to cook for the first time: brownies. Let's see what happens, maybe my kitchen will burn (Londonstyle). Ja ja.

I've been at the "mercadillo" this morning and C. I have to say that if the past Friday it was a shit, today was a double shit with a cherry on the top.

Ok. Laundry time. See you soon.

I love you.

Te quiero canijo.

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